Danish Ports has three permanent professional forums. Environment and Technology, Maritime issues and Administrative matters.
In addition, ad hoc working groups and networks are set up as needed to shed light on a technical area.
The technical forums meet regularly for full or half theme days, where the topics are put on the agenda by the members.
The technical forums are also used by the secretariat for professional sparring on specific cases, such as consultation responses. This is typically done electronically.
Travel and accommodation expenses for participation in theme meetings and seminars are paid by the participating ports. Danish Ports has set up 3 networks: Sign up for one or more of the professional forums by sending a message to the Danish Ports secretariat:
Contact the Danish Ports secretariat
Environment and technology
The network will exchange experiences on environmental and technical issues in ports - both at the broad planning level and the more narrow technical issues.
The topics will be a wide range of cases depending on new legislation or specific cases that arise. Typical cases can be construction and maintenance of ports, buildings or equipment as well as waste management, sediment management, air and water quality, marine environment, habitat areas, dust, light, noise, environmental certification, energy supply and savings, climate issues, environmental friendliness of maritime transport and sustainable development. The secretariat of Danish Ports can use the network as a consultation group for legislative proposals and regulations in the committee's area. The target group is primarily port engineers, technical staff and managers and others with an interest in environment and technology in the port area.
Maritime topics
The network will exchange experiences in relation to practical port operations and relations with customers at the ports, including first and foremost the ships.
The topics will focus on terrorism protection, sailing conditions, nautical issues, pilotage, icebreaking, safety at sea, reporting/SafeSeaNet, working environment and dangerous goods. Danske Havnes secretariat can use the network in connection with submitting consultation responses. The target group is primarily port employees who have daily operational responsibility and cooperation with ships and companies, including security responsibilities.
Administrative matters
The network will exchange experiences on topics such as finance, insurance, liability and compensation, VAT, rental contracts, competition rules, marketing, personnel policy, training, administration and personnel matters, but not collective agreements. In addition, the group can discuss the legal interpretation of other administrative rules and their practical application.
Danske Havnes secretariat can use the network as a consultation group for legislative proposals and rules in the committee's area.
The target group is primarily port employees with administrative tasks.
Network for Maritime Security
The network will exchange experiences on topics related to maritime security and the ISPS Code.
The network will help ensure that Ports Denmark's members are updated on topics related to maritime security. Danske Havne will also use the network to inform the ports about developments, obtain sparring in connection with hearings and other interest representation.
Personal Data Network
The network will help all Port Denmark members to implement the General Data Protection Regulation. At the same time, the network will be used to exchange experiences and practices around data handling.
Ad hoc working groups and networks
In addition to the professional forums, Danish Ports also works with more loosely structured networks/mailing lists that can arise ad hoc in connection with the secretariat's tasks. It can also be a group of ports that want to work on a common issue, e.g. a specific market development. These networks can consist of representatives from all members or groups of members, depending on the issue.