Port of Frederikshavn

Green transition & Sustainability
Ports and offshore wind turbines are successful green partners
The Kriegers Flak offshore wind farm, inaugurated on Monday, September 6, is the latest symbol of the successful connection between Danish ports and the growing number of offshore wind turbines. "Kriegers Flak, with its 72 large offshore wind turbines, is the latest illustration of the natural connection that has long existed and has only grown and grown between the Danish ports [...]

Green transition & Sustainability
Port of Rønne A/S plants trees on Bornholm
This year, the plan is to plant 14,000 trees at Kannikeskoven near Åkirkeby. Last year, Port of Rønne A/S signed a climate partnership agreement in which the port committed to planting 10,000 trees annually for the next 10 years. In total, this corresponds to 25 hectares or an area the size of 35 football fields of new forest. The first [...]