Trademark case
Investments and ports
Danish Ports are continuously working to ensure a coherent Danish infrastructure, where the ports are a natural part of ensuring the greatest possible accessibility and mobility in Denmark. As much freight as possible must be moved from the roads to the Blue Highways to create the best possible mobility in society. Danish Ports are working to create a framework that ensures that Danish ports are the natural port of call both nationally and internationally. Among other things, this will be achieved by working towards a better and common transport plan that focuses on the road infrastructure to the port, as well as multimodal hubs with a smooth transition from road/rail to port. This is why we have also provided a number of inputs to the infrastructure plan that is being negotiated in Christiansborg this spring. And in the government's proposal from April 9, the Danish ports were also mentioned and prioritized. We are now moving forward from there.
In January 2021, Danish Ports presented an infrastructure plan, which you are welcome to read here.
Below you can read our latest infrastructure news:
- SME government to secure Danish critical infrastructure
- Port of Hanstholm is again a hub for freight traffic: New route between Hanstholm and the Norwegian coast
- Tine Kirk in Altinget Transport: The coming government must have the courage to secure our critical infrastructure
- Tine Kirk and Carsten Aa in Altinget Transport: Serious mistake to let China buy part of the Port of Hamburg
- Danish Ports with an appeal to Scholz in Altinget Transport