Audible response
Local Action Groups (LAG) 2014-2020
Development program for Danish rural areas should also take into account the role of ports as hubs for development LAG funds have previously been a good and democratic tool for development projects in landing places and ports in rural areas. Danish Ports has no comments on the content of the draft executive order on grants for the establishment and operation of local action groups under the rural development program for the period 2014-2020. Danish Ports has a comment on the design of the development program, which should also have the possibility of grants for the development of ports and conversion in relation to, for example, maritime tourism or new businesses in disused business areas in rural ports. Danish Ports recommends that the development program EMFF 2014-2020 should primarily focus on ports that help to develop, maintain and ensure significant competitiveness for the Danish fishing industry. But funds in the EMFF should - when funding for the program is available - be allocated to the LAG program. Ports are hubs for the industry in the Danish rural areas. Ports are also growth engines in rural areas, which is why the possibility of subsidies should be ensured. Danske Havnes comment is stated in the consultation response regarding the Danish program 2014-2020. The consultation response can be read here in its full length. Read the consultation material from the Danish AgriFish Agency