Audible response
Consultation response on visa rules
Danish Ports wants flexible rules for visas for seafarers Danish Ports recognizes the Ministry of Justice's hard work on the revision of the Danish visa rules. The revision of the visa rules is a step in the right direction towards a more flexible handling of e.g. crew changes in connection with maritime trade and maritime transport. Specifically, this is the wish of Danish Ports,
- that the Danish National Police, based on the Schengen Border Code, can allow entry and exit (emergency visa) outside the approved border crossing points (ports) and outside port opening hours, and
- as an alternative to mobile emergency visas, seafarers can use the right to obtain the necessary visa by transporting crew members to a neighboring municipality in the event that the municipality of call is not able to issue an emergency visa.
Read Ports Denmark's consultation response horingssvar-danish-ports-change-of-the-foreigners act-revision-of-visa-rules-18-sep-2 Read the Ministry of Justice's proposal for an act amending the Aliens Act (revision of visa rules etc.)