Audible response
Consultation on development funds for fishing ports and landing sites
New EMFF pool has limited funds and can be strengthened by increased focus on the sector as a whole Danske Havne is generally positive about the direction and thinking of the development program, and that the new EMFF program, like the previous EFF program, opens for development projects in fishing ports and landing sites. Danish Ports has reviewed the draft executive order and assessed the development program in relation to whether the program has the potential to boost the Danish position of strength in the fisheries sector, which Danish Ports assumes is the overall purpose of the Danish program. Danish Ports assess that all three policy focus areas will involve fishing ports' investment in ship service, value chain optimization and vessel access conditions. Danske Havne believes that there is a general need in the Danish EMFF program to look at what serves the whole best and in particular the program for fishing ports and landing sites. Without a strong value chain, it will be difficult to maintain a strong market position in the international competition. Read Port Denmark's consultation response Read the consultation material from the Danish AgriFish Agency