Audible response
Changes to the Fisheries Development Program 2007-2013
The Danish AgriFish Agency has a few corrections to the last application for grants under the EFF program 2007-2013 Danish Ports has a brief comment on the consultation material. This also applies to the new development program 2014-2020. The Tender Act. Estimates of the value of the project should be sufficient. Tendering will take place when the port has received approval of the project. It may seem inappropriate to obtain two tenders in the application phase when capital investments of over DKK 300,000 are to be made. There is a great risk that the project will be locked and that the most economically and technically appropriate solution will not be achieved. Larger projects will usually require more than two tenders, and it can be difficult to complete design and tendering etc. within a month. It could be a simplification if tenders can be postponed and instead a timetable and possibly a tender protocol must be submitted when available. Danske Havnes comment is stated in the consultation response regarding the Danish program 2014-2020. The consultation response can be read here in its full length.