Horizon Europe: More efficient and effective multimodal freight transport
Hvad kan der søges til?
Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:
More efficient, effective and sustainable management of goods and freight flows in (air)ports and inland terminals, taking into account all costs (economic, social and environmental) of the proposed solutions/innovations, including externalities and possible rebound effects.
Expanded throughput of the nodes thanks to increased operational efficiency and optimised use of assets and infrastructures, without expanding the physical facilities.
Improved access to transhipment services at reduced costs.
More visible and standardised services provided within the multimodal freight transport nodes, seamlessly accessible by end users to maintain continuous door-to-door tracking of freight locations and boost shifting cargo to more efficient and sustainable transport modes.
Increased automation, digitalisation, standardisation and interoperability of processes, technologies and equipment, particularly intermodal transport units (ITUs) and cargo transport/transhipment procedures in multimodal freight transport nodes.
Better integration of the various freight transport nodes into overall logistic chains.
Hvem kan søge?
Alle virksomheder
Beløb & betingelser
Vellykkede projektansøgninger skal indeholde følgende:
- Demonstration og kvantificering af intermodale transportenheder på baggrund af tidligere projekter, enten EU-støttede eller andre.
- Være på linje med EU’s strategi for research og innovation
- Demonstrere avancerede, digitale logistikløsninger på mindst TRL-niveau 7.
- På baggrund af tidligere Horizon 2020-projekter (som ansøgningsparter ikke behøver have medvirket i) skal projektet demonstrere nye forretningsmodeller og samarbejds-tilgange
- Være kompatible med gængse europæiske logistikstandarder.
Ansøgningsfristen er d. 3. september 2021 kl. 12, og det fulde ansøgningsmateriale kan læses her.
Selve ansøgningen er via Energistyrelsens ansøgningsportal, her.