Grant opportunities

Grants for port development projects

Danish Ports continuously maps grant opportunities and co-financing for projects in ports. At the bottom of this page, Danish Ports has built an overview of the funds that can contribute to the ports. The list will be updated regularly. If you become aware of schemes and opportunities that are not yet included in the list, please contact the Danish Ports Association secretariat.

Help finding the right pool

Below you will find information about the different bodies that can advise you on applying for funding, both in Denmark and at European level. 

European funds

At the end of 2020, the European bodies prepared the new EU budget framework for the period 2021-2027, which also meant that the European grant and funding opportunities changed. Danish Ports will continuously update this overview as the pools are published. 

Regions and municipalities

The main purpose of the EU offices is to create an international mindset in municipalities and to help secure EU funding for local projects.
EU offices can help find the right program for a project, find the right contacts and can be hired as a consultant to apply for funding.

Ministry of Transport

For ports covered by the European Commission's TEN-T priority(see digital map), it is possible to apply for funding from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) program, which includes the Motorways of the Sea and TEN-T port programs. The programs are administered by the EU's European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). The Ministry of Transport's international office is responsible for Danish projects and can be contacted to ensure the project's match with the program, deadlines, other contact with CINEA, etc.

Find an advisor

EU-DK Support is a single point of access to EU funding, supported by a strong network of EU advisors across disciplines, regions and EU programs. EU-DK Support brings together all the advisors who know the EU's many different funding programs - from research, innovation, culture and business development.


In the long-term EU budget for 2021-2027, the EU has allocated a significant amount of money to facilitate the application process for European funds. InvestEU will act as a single hub for all European funds. In addition to holding funds itself, InvestEU will also provide free advice to companies that need support with the application process. A database will also be created to search for project partners. This is relevant, for example, for Interreg funds that require bi- or multilateral applications.

Funding Hotline

In collaboration with Nordic Innovators, Danish Ports has set up a funding hotline that is free for members. The service includes assistance that can be answered by phone and without actual case processing.

To use this hotline, contact Danish Ports or call Kristoffer Ris from Nordic Innovators directly on +45 22 74 59 70

Overview of grant programs