Audible response
Guidance for ports on LNG operations
New guidance will make it easier to create LNG projects The Danish Maritime Authority has prepared an overview of relevant considerations when applying for LNG bunkering in Denmark. The overview will be published on the agency's website. The purpose of the overview is to make it easier for both the applicant and the municipality when granting permission for LNG bunkering in the future. It is a very good draft for guidance when handling LNG operations. Overall, Port Denmark is quite satisfied with the material and has only a few comments:
- In the form "Municipality": The Danish Emergency Management Agency is not a fire authority. It is correct that they must set the fire-related conditions, but the application etc. must still be sent to the municipality, and it is the municipality's fire authority that issues the permit. Finally, a gas installation will be covered by the Technical Regulations for Gases and thus subject to statutory fire inspection.
- In the table "Others": The ports are not the authority when securing the ports against terrorism. The Danish Coastal Authority is the authority that approves the vulnerability assessment and security plan for the port, while the Danish National Police prepares the vulnerability assessment together with the National Police and otherwise prepares the security plan itself.
Danish Ports has sent the guidance to the Danish Coastal Authority so they can help improve the guidance. See the draft guide Image from