Audible response
Revision of the Danish visa rules
The revision of the Danish visa rules will, among other things, make it easier to handle crew changes and ensure that emergency visas are available in all Danish ports with international calls The revision and optimization of the Danish visa rules has been several years in the making and has also changed ministries in the process. Danish Ports recognizes the Ministry of Justice's great work with the revision of the Danish visa rules. The recommendations from the revision of the visa rules are a step in the right direction towards a more flexible handling of e.g. crew changes in connection with maritime trade and maritime transport. Danish Ports wants emergency visas to continue to be issued in all ports with international ship calls. It is also the wish of Danish Ports that the law of the land allows seamen to stay in the vicinity of the port of call (the municipality of call and neighboring municipalities). Read Port Denmark's consultation response Read the Ministry of Justice's revision of the visa rules