Audible response
Consultation on landworks and Fehmarnbelt link
As in the construction of the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link, the utilization of seabed materials is generally a desire and an essential prerequisite for carrying out construction projects The Ministry of Transport has sent a bill for consultation. Draft: Proposal for a bill on the construction of a fixed link across the Fehmarnbelt with associated landworks in Denmark. Cleaning and deepening of shipping channels and port expansions are common tasks in Danish ports. Therefore, Danish Ports is concerned about the conditions for how the material is handled. With the large amounts of sediment to be handled during construction work on the Fehmarnbelt, it is obvious that the conditions for sediment handling will be important. Danish Ports has therefore primarily focused on section 16 in the consultation on the Construction Act. Sediment from dredging in port basins and shipping channels is a complex area of legislation. Sediments are not waste and, as outlined in the Ministry of Transport's draft Construction Act for the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link, can be used much more resource-efficiently. Read Ports Denmark's consultation response here Read the consultation material from the Ministry of Transport here For further information, contact Bjarne Løf Henriksen, Business Policy Consultant or 3370 3441