Audible response
Danish Ports' consultation response regarding proposal for wastewater executive order
Danske Havne acknowledges the opportunity to submit comments on the draft amendment to the executive order on wastewater permits etc. under chapters 3 and 4 of the Environmental Protection Act.
Good water quality in Danish coastal waters is important for Danish Ports and for Danish Ports' customers, including the fishing industry. Therefore, it is welcomed that the limit for flow-weighted sampling at wastewater supply companies is reduced from 2000 PE to an approved capacity of 1000 PE. The change will ensure sufficient self-monitoring of the treatment plant's discharges.
Danish Ports also supports the provision concerning a stop to planned temporary discharges of untreated wastewater, where the regulation has been tightened and a minimum target for wastewater treatment has been introduced.
Danish Ports looks forward to the implementation of the 4th treatment stage at Danish facilities and other measures that can promote the marine environment and minimize the discharge of pollutants and harmful substances. However, always taking into account the principle of proportionality, where the ongoing improvements must be manageable for the companies.
Camilla Rosenhagen