Bjørn B. Christiansen åbner Danish Maritime Fair i selskab med Erhvervs- og vækstministeren, Danske Maritime og Danmarks Rederiforening

Danish Maritime Days blev for alvor skudt i gang med åbningen af Danish Maritime Fair, hvor Danske Havnes Bjørn B. Christiansen sammen med Erhvervs-og vækstministeren, Anne Steffensens, direktør i Rederiforeningen og Cecilie Lykkegaard, sekretariatschef i Danske Maritime bød velkommen til messen. Der var fokus på at styrke Det Blå Danmark yderligere gennem samarbejde og innovation. Se Bjørn B. Christiansen tale her: As representative of the third pillar in the maritime sector – the ports – I would also like to welcome all of you to a week dedicated to the maritime sector. And – of course – a special welcome to the Minister of Business and Growth, Troels Lund Poulsen – our ‘maritime’ minister. We greatly appreciate that you have found the time to come and be a part of Danish Maritime Days and open this Fair. As you have said earlier – the Danish maritime sector is a strong global player. A global player that creates local jobs. In that context, I am proud that the ports – as a result of the activities in the shipping industry & among the maritime suppliers – combined with the Danish ports ability to grasp and take advantage of the global development and growth within e.g. off shore wind and the cruise industry – in total account for approximately 100,000 jobs within the blue sector. Jobs that are located across the whole of Denmark – not just the major port cities. Together, these three industries – the shipping industry, the maritime suppliers and the ports – create great activity in and around the ports. Therefore, there is a great demand for both blue collar and white collar employees in the Danish port sector – this is due to a fascinating mix of traditional port activities and new business areas emerging from other sectors that we never have imagined decades ago. The fact is that todays ports are both transport hubs and business hubs. Hubs that contribute to their own development. Therefore, the ports are the focal point for growth and job creation at the agenda of the ‘Growth Team for the Blue Denmark’ – appointed by our ‘maritime minister. As you have pointed out, the development of maritime clusters and the dynamic role of the ports is of great importance for the political strategy in Denmark. Important because of the ports’ role in creating jobs and growth across the whole of Denmark. As representative of the Danish ports we acknowledge our responsibility. We acknowledge our responsibility to expand the sector’s position and we look forward to contributing to the current work in the “Growth Team for the Blue Denmark”. And the Danish Maritime Days and this Fair are excellent opportunities to meet within the sector and share know-how on how we together can strengthen the sector further. So once again welcome to the Danish Maritime Days and Danish Maritime Fair. Erhvervs- og vækstminister, Troels Lund Poulsen byder velkommen til Danish Maritime Fair 2016. Se mere fra Danish Maritime Fair’s opening og Danish Maritime Days her: